Inner Constellations

Willow Gate

Image captured by Kimberly Fox in July of 2022 along Claverack Creek in Taghkanic, NY on Mahican, Ramapo, Lenape, Munsee land.

There is a home in which we’re all welcome.

A place in which we all belong,

unconditionally and without question.

In this space, we come as we are— naked, bare souls

with bare soles,

and open.

Openness and belonging.

Family, a blanket to be warmed with.

A hammock to lay rest within,

woven with threads spun by the ones who came before us.

Bloodlines, knotting up family ties as the young ones go on choosing. Choosing to live,

to love,

to pray

and to celebrate.

Meanwhile the blood boils;

the traditions of compromise, the conditions of convention.


We, human family, we have some coming home to do.

Coming home within ourselves.

Coming home long enough for us to get comfortable in our own skin,

relaxed in our own system,

sufficient enough to clear out the space to host others.

Being at home in my body, so I can be at home on this planet.


Mom always told me to be sure I exit out the same door I entered.

Family is a mirror, and my relations are my reflections.


The family thrives as a single entity, a whole larger than the sum of its parts. These parts, bonded, supportive of one another, moving as a unit.


All my parts. A family within me.

All my parts, unified within this body.

A constellation of Light forms,

dancing and debating,

laughing and crying,

holding and letting go …

all in simultaneous reverie within me,

contradictions coalesce into the we, harmoniously.

My inner family, where everyone is welcome, everyone has a place at the table and time on the microphone.

Let this body be the House of Love.


Midsummer Firefly Forest


Ode to You, Dear Body.